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Not all of those that resist an oppressor use the same tactics or have the same goals as those they are claiming to be fighting to liberate.


The loose organisation known as the Fèvlas-Pachà holds true to one thing and one thing only, its slogan and battle-cry of "Through terror, hope is born!"


Members of the F-P are, it is alleged, embedded throughout The Union, some in obvious positions of authority and others you would not look at twice even if you were aware of their existence. These agents will sit, they will wait, until they receive anonymous instructions. 


Then they will strike. 


Such agents most often do not survive to see the results of their actions. 


The F-P grew from the ashes of the Second Union War. Former military and even civilian fighters of the resistance grew bitter at defeat. They blamed the Panastàs for being too weak, too indecisive, too unwilling to fight the enemy with his own weapons. The very honour that the Panastàs clung to was its downfall, they decided, because they had faced an enemy without honour. 


So the answer was terror; their invisible founder, The Telkine, is said to thrive on it.


It started with military targets, suicide attacks and bombs mostly and, even though unsettled at the carnage, people could support that. Then, as the organisation apparently grew, just at The Union and Apateon's power grew, their methods became less discriminating. 


Any way they could be a thorn in The Union's side, any way they could disrupt, they did.


The reasoning was thus; if we spread fear, make people feel unsafe, they will look to their governent for safety and reassurance. When their government cannot give them that, they will see it is a poor government that needs to be replaced and some of them will turn to us. 


Of course, the worse the attacks of the F-P became, the harder The Union cracked down and the more the every day man and woman on the streets suffered. But the F-P were sure their plan was working, that The Union would make a mistake and the people would turn on it. 


So this decentralised organisation of independant cells where each member might 'know a man' who has access to someone who knows someone else who can get a message to yet someone else higher 'up the chain' continues to distrupt and strike and, try as it might, The Union cannot extinguish them.


The Panastàs have tried to talk to them and failed. Gwydion has standing orders out that anyone seen wearing their distinctive patch will be considered a hostile.


Gibraltar, Spain, UK.

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